My batch has some interesting minds. One such person is Sachin Rawat a big Machiavelli fan and a practitioner who has many interesting stories to tell from his work in the Uttaranchal power corporation. I have never met anyone who has actual experience of putting in place concepts from game theory, plea bargain, politics etc ( Rawat is also a Union leader). During one of my thought provoking discussions with him, I was trying to explain the discoveries of the famous nuroscientist Dr. V . Ramachandran. Dr Ram was referring to some interesting work on motor neurons, empathy among other things in his talk on TED ( ). It is an interesting talk to say the least.. more on it I will reserve for some other day.
TED is the beautiful repository of interesting lectures. "Power of Ideas" I think is a powerful concept. I also came across Piaget and Vygotsky during a lecture by Sugata Mitra on his famous "Hole in the wall" experiments. I have known about Sugata's experiments for a long time now. He used to present some educational programs on doordarshan. I remember him from those days. Nevertheless its good to know that his ideas are now known to the world.
Another discovery was that of a designer called Stefan Sagmeister. I was impressed by his work. Art has been a less understood subject in the technical sense by general population. I feel that people tend to appreciate art more or less like I do music. If it looks good, sounds good.. great I like it. Most of the times one likes art/music and one tends to appreciate it purely based on instinct. I came across an interesting scale in art from Stefan's talk and I think that can be used in many different things especially in marketing. Its called scale of happiness in design (refer pic).
I was impressed with his idea of the difference between happiness and the visualization of happiness.. but more on that later.
I was impressed with his idea of the difference between happiness and the visualization of happiness.. but more on that later.
I haven't taken keen interest in art, design etc even though I draw OK and do not have too poor a sense of art. So my journey into art also took me recently into an advertising group WPP more at and to an advertising genius called Leo Burnett and his firm. More at as well as at their super artistic website
My continuous rambling also meant that I also came across terms like conspicuous consumption and conspicuous compassion. Sometimes jargons are very important to know and wow the audience. These neologisms ( and protologisms are another interesting concept I came across through my readings today. Another discovery that actually led me to neologisms was the concept of anti-pattern. An organizational anti-pattern that I could instantly recognize is "Analysis Paralysis" more at ( .)
I think this particular blog very much captures some of the important high-points for me from an intellectual stimulation standpoint. I am pretty impressed with myself that I have finally been able to capture some of it in text.
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